Adapted from Loving and Leaving the Good Life, by Helen Nearing (Chelsea Green, 1993).
The great pioneer of simple living, Helen Nearing, offers eleven wonderfully wise tips for living not only a less stressful life, but for living in a more connected and organic way.
SIMPLE SOLUTION: Her tips really work: she lived to be 91, and her husband Scott to be 100. Find out the simple principles for Living the Good Life, right here:
1. Do the best you can, whatever arises.
2. Be at peace with yourself.
3. Find a job you enjoy.
4. Live in simple conditions; housing, food, clothing; get rid of clutter.
5. Contact nature every day; feel the earth under your feet.
6. Take physical exercise through hard work; through gardening or walking.
7. Don’t worry; live one day at a time.
8. Share something every day with someone else; if you live alone, write someone; give something away; help someone else somehow.
9. Take time to wonder at life and the world; see some humor in life where you can.
10. Observe the one life in all things.
11. Be kind to the creatures.