走着走着来到了大学的第五年了。 还有一年就是医生了!
比别人落后就要能够接受别人说怎么第五年了什么都不会,这个你应该会吗,terrible, horrible, your are junior ar。。。听在心里还真得不好受。怎么办?怎么办?还是行者的那句话调整自己,关心他们。
好了,蓝色的天空也应该过了,现在是时候继续努力了。有句话勤能补拙! 加油!
星期四, 六月 11, 2009
星期三, 六月 10, 2009
PPD camp
Yeah, finally i came back from kuala Besut without torn into pieces.
It is really a long journey travel from KL to Besut. We took 14 hours with sleep-eat-emptying bowel and bladder-appreciating the scenary circle. The sky turn from dark to bright and then dark again. It is the longest journey i travel b4!

The PPD camp started on the second day. It is a long icebreaking session but it made me realised that i am not really know more about my coursemates. Yeah, my PPD level is level 4, good enough lo. This time, my SGD session got 2 facilitators, i can really learn a lot from them, Prof Ismail Saiboon and Dr Ngiu. They really teach me a lot through their experiences. I just sit back and relax to learn from them. One common thing maybe in me and facilitators is we all like teach. Hopefully in 1 day i can become a lecturer like them.
Haha, during the financial planning session, Prof Ismail taught us in how to grow money and how to use our money.Important messages in financial planning is to save the money first before we spend and if possible dun use credit card. We don't wan to be a MD(money dump). In one year time i will be a houseman, actually still very scare for it. I am no worrying about working. but hope that i can have a bit time to sleep so that my seizure wont come back.
My group was the no 1 in the PPD games however become the last 1 in BTN activities. hohoho! the medical explorace is just like OSCE. but luckily this OSCE wont fail people. Just think that how to make it interesting, like using the killer games in the oncall rouster,haha!(my planning activity mind come again). Another happy time in Besut is playing "killer game" with all the guy. it really a great memory in the Dom.
Finally we got chance go to beach to watch sunrise.
it is a beautiful beach. We got chance climb bukit keluang. What a beautiful scenery!

BTN session no comment. but i think it made all of us malay+chinese+indian together because all of us dun like them(haha, same enemy). I dont know why these people are very narrow-minded and always stay in old time and dun wan to move in.
It is really a long journey travel from KL to Besut. We took 14 hours with sleep-eat-emptying bowel and bladder-appreciating the scenary circle. The sky turn from dark to bright and then dark again. It is the longest journey i travel b4!

The PPD camp started on the second day. It is a long icebreaking session but it made me realised that i am not really know more about my coursemates. Yeah, my PPD level is level 4, good enough lo. This time, my SGD session got 2 facilitators, i can really learn a lot from them, Prof Ismail Saiboon and Dr Ngiu. They really teach me a lot through their experiences. I just sit back and relax to learn from them. One common thing maybe in me and facilitators is we all like teach. Hopefully in 1 day i can become a lecturer like them.
Haha, during the financial planning session, Prof Ismail taught us in how to grow money and how to use our money.Important messages in financial planning is to save the money first before we spend and if possible dun use credit card. We don't wan to be a MD(money dump). In one year time i will be a houseman, actually still very scare for it. I am no worrying about working. but hope that i can have a bit time to sleep so that my seizure wont come back.
My group was the no 1 in the PPD games however become the last 1 in BTN activities. hohoho! the medical explorace is just like OSCE. but luckily this OSCE wont fail people. Just think that how to make it interesting, like using the killer games in the oncall rouster,haha!(my planning activity mind come again). Another happy time in Besut is playing "killer game" with all the guy. it really a great memory in the Dom.
Finally we got chance go to beach to watch sunrise.

BTN session no comment. but i think it made all of us malay+chinese+indian together because all of us dun like them(haha, same enemy). I dont know why these people are very narrow-minded and always stay in old time and dun wan to move in.
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