Today we have a dharma sharing session with dr phang . It is so great that I can attend the session on time. Because I have class start at 11.30am but still don’t know what time can end. Finally it ended at 12.40pm. I rush back to Ibnu Sina for lunch. I meet dr phang at there, and have lunch with him. Finally, the session started, quite a number of friends come to our dharma sharing session. This also made me very happy. The session started with revised progressive muscle relaxation. This time he asked me again to lead the session. I also feel very happy that I can do it smoother than the time before.

Hehe, although still got room of improvement but I think I can do it. Now about the sharing, so happy that can hear a nice song and a nice sharing from dr phang. I had been long time haven’t sing dharma song like this. There is a lot of this that I learned today. I jot it down and try to share with you all.
Got people say high self esteem is equivalent to high performance but low self esteem will have low performance. However this is not true when the criminals are high esteem. A lot of people rely on different way to maintain their high self esteem. For instance, they try to look down and humiliate other people in order to maintain their self esteem. But when they cannot do them or when they see other people are better than them, their self esteem will drop into the valley. So how to boost your self esteem and prevent it from break into piece?
1. Not to compare with other. Compare with other people can divided into 3 type
a. superior complex ego – we think we are better than other. But “one mountain still have other mountain which is higher”. So when we see other people better, we start to feel inferior.
b. Inferior ego complex – we are not so good as other people
c. Equality ego complex – all people must be same with me, so there I must be treated as other.
2. Learn from the mistake
a. Focus on learning process and not the outcome. Enjoy the learning process
b. Allow ourselves to do mistake
3. Be kind to ourselves and touch the good seed
a. Think positively
4. Be honest to what you know and don’t know
5. Expose to new things